Who we are

Across the UK, local grassroots groups are demanding our communities and public institutions to cut their political, social and financial ties to the fossil fuel industry. Supporting this network is UK Divest, a collaboration between Friends of the Earth Scotland and Platform and various partners leading in different areas of the divestment movement.

We are a collective of ordinary people using our connections to local institutions — like our councils, universities and faith groups — to drive positive global change and help secure a future free from the injustice of climate collapse.

We call on institutions to divest from fossil fuels because we believe that:

  • We cannot afford the fossil fuel industry’s plans to extract and exploit fossil fuel reserves at any cost
  • Banking on a dangerous and dying industry makes no business-sense
  • Divestment is a sensible and practical means of protecting future generations from the financial risks of climate change
  • Both public and private institutions have a responsibility to invest their money in ways that benefit our local economies as well as the health of people and our planet